Howto MAD Backend

Buy Licenses (PD / PE)

Use our Webshop for monthly subscriptions.

Webshop: Link

Access MAD Backend / Reauth

After having subscribed for a license you can access the MAD Backend. Open up one of the Links – depending on our selected license plattform:

Webshop: Link

If you are still using Patreon and haven’t made the switch yet…
Patreon: Link

Attention: After authenticating to our Backend you get the password to login with. Write down this password!

Please note that if you change the payment method and/or the amount of licenses clicking the above “Link” will most likely be needed to have the backend update accordingly.

Generate Devices Passwords

To get your devices connected to the MAD backend, you need a device specific password. You could generate that with our Backend.

Backend: Link

Creating Device Password

In order to be able to use the functions of MAD with a device, a Device Password must be created. This is required for login with our apps.

After you have logged in, open the “Password management”.

Open Password management

Now create a new custom device Password. In addition to the password, a limit can be set for devices. Optionally there’s a field for a comment.

Password management

Device Login

Use your e-Mail address and the device Password for the app login.